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annual review 2021



We have further developed our five growth platforms in 2021:


  1. conzil: we have been working with a number of organizations to jointly address emerging strategic opportunities

  2. creaverse: we have strengthened our position a growth orchestrator in emerging ecosystems

  3. digityzer: we have been partnering with a number of organizations offering joint solutions for success in the digital age

  4. prelogix: we have been working with a number of partners in jointly finding ways to create value from and with data

  5. kyberno: we have continued to develop and deploy our tools to strengthen governance in ecosystems


We have turned ideas into impact in our five labs, i.e. the connected commerce lab, data value labdistributed governance labplatform strategy lab and the shared purpose lab.


We have actively curated our idea platforms, and and launched and


We have introduced to help our partners better navigate our offering. 




In the fourth year of our existence, we have seen a continuation of our strong third year in


  1. achieving profitable growth of 59.5% across all businesses

  2. launching 2 new idea networks

  3. publishing 7 insight articles

  4. launching 5 themes on

  5. giving more than 10 talks by our founder




We look forward to continuing our journey in 2022 by


  1. continuing to deliver profitable growth

  2. further strengthening the five growth platforms

  3. working on a number of pioneering innovations in our labs

  4. further strengthening our partner network

  5. continuing to share our knowledge on,, and

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